Everything about Dortmund

Here you can find out everything about Dortmund, from the football team, the city with all it’s aspects, to the biggest christmas tree in the world. Even if you would like to visit Dormund and need Information about how to get there or what to do, this site tells you everything you need to know!

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All About Dortmund

Dormund is a city locaded in north rhine westphalia. Dortmund is popular and known in the world for one reason: everyone loves Borussia Dortmund (the football team) and indeed, the football club is one of the best football teams in the world! The team from Lucien Favre has already achieved so much and there is no sign of end. But now enought talked about the football team. (If you want to know more about football and the Bundesliga we would suggest you to visit or page were we talk about it, to go there go on the menue and click « football ») Dortmund is also a wonderfull city full of beautiful sightseeings. It is the economic and trading center of Westphalia and, with around 600,000 inhabitants, the most populous city in both this part of the country and the Ruhr area

If after you read everything on this site and you still have questions we would indicate you to this site:  » http://www.dortmund.de  »

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